RAMTEC Robotics Camp Set For August in Richland County

Screen Shot 2015-06-29 at 9.19.50 AMAs RAMTEC continues to grow and expand to meet the needs of Ohio, additional Robotics Camps are being scheduled, including one in Richland County for 7th-12th graders at North Central State’s Kehoe Center in Shelby for youth in that area.

The robotics camps develop teams for upcoming regional, stateside and global competition.

To register for the robotics camp, go to Pioneer Career and Technology Center’s website or call 419-347-7744, extension 42207.

The cost of the camp is $30.

Students will receive a t-shirt, snacks, and lunches each day, and possibly a future high-paying career in manufacturing robotics.

A  news conference was held Thursday, June 25 in Richland County at the Area Agency on Aging to announce the new Vex Robotics camp for youth in this area, patterned after the Marion Tri-Rivers/RAMTEC successes. Richland County is modeling its RAMTEC based on successful efforts at the training site at Tri-Rivers Career Center in Marion, Ohio. The robotics program is coming to students at  Pioneer & Technology Center this fall. The classes will be at the North Central State College Shelby Kehoe campus.

“The new RAMTEC Ohio site in Shelby will be a great addition to enhance manufacturing education in North Central Ohio. Students in grades 7-12 and adult students will be able to get the latest industrial training in “state of the art” training facility,” said Ritch Ramey RAMTEC Ohio Coordinator. “The RAMTEC Vex Summer Camp will be  give students the opportunity to see industrial robots and build, program and compete with Vex Robotics equipment.”