Tri-Rivers/RAMTEC students redesign Motoman cart


Cart on the

The new cart of the right will replace the old model on the left.


Check out the new model Motoman Robotics cart the Tri-Rivers/RAMTEC students designed for Motoman Robotics. The new cart on the right will replace the old model on the left.


RAMTEC/Tri-Rivers students Tyler Ellis, Jeff Martin, Scott Gould and Zach Caldwell redesigned the robotic training carts based off their experience using the robot. Motoman used their detail drawings, assemblies, solid models and animations to make the carts lighter, more portable and easier to transport between facilities and rooms. Great job RAMTEC students.


“Yaskawa Motoman Robotics is pleased and excited to partner with the students and instructors of Tri-Rivers Career Center/ RAMTEC to develop the next generation Motoman Robotic Educational STEM Platform. Yaskawa Motoman will be incorporating RAMTEC’s students new robotic cart design for release in Fall 2014,” said Bob Graff, senior sales manager/education for Yaskawa America, Inc, Motoman Robotics Division.

“K-16 STEM robotic education (curriculum, degrees and certification) is growing, as is STEM funding and the need for critical robotics skills in manufacturing.

Our partnership with Tri-Rivers Career Center/ RAMTEC is a showcase for Workforce Development and model for developing best in class Robotics products, STEM curriculum and certification/degree programs that serves the needs of education and industry,” said Graff.

Check out article in Marion Star, Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2014
Motoman using Tri-Rivers RAMTEC students’ design via